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  6. Payloads
  7. Processing

Payload processing

The payloads generated by the configured payload type can be further manipulated using various payload processing rules and payload encoding.

Payload processing rules

You can define rules to perform various processing tasks on each payload before it is used. The defined rules are executed in sequence, and can be toggled on and off to help debug any problems with the configuration. Payload processing rules are useful in many kinds of situation where you need to generate unusual payloads, or need to wrap payloads up within a wider structure or encoding scheme prior to use.

The following types of rule are available:

Payload encoding

You can configure which characters within the payload should be URL-encoded for safe transmission within HTTP requests. Any configured URL-encoding is applied last, after any payload processing rules have executed.

It is recommended to use this setting for final URL-encoding, rather than a payload processing rule, because the payload grep option can be used to check responses for echoed payloads before the final URL-encoding is applied.